ResourcesBlogFree Competitive Matrix Feature Comparison Chart

Free Competitive Matrix Feature Comparison Chart


The competitive matrix feature comparison chart (Excel template file) allow you to create a competitive matrix chart for use inside or outside of your company. Read our previous post about the Top Ten Product Launch Mistakes. This template is included in the of the Product Launch Toolkit™.

The Competitive Matrix Comparison Chart Is Included In Our Free Resources


  • Insert your product’s category name at the top of the “Competitive Feature Matrix” sheet.
  • Insert your product’s name in column C, row 3.
  • Insert your competitor’s product names in columns D through N in row 3.
  • Group your features into categories. Enter the category name and the top 3 features for each category.
  • Make sure the categories go from strongest to weakest in terms of top to bottom of the page.
  • Copy the filled in, empty and grey squares from the legend and paste them into the squares as appropriate.
  • Make sure you fill this in using the strongest possible spin for your product while still remaining credible


You may wish to fill in the squares using a rating scale (i.e. three solid boxes is better than one solid box). This approach provides a visual picture implying a stronger relative ranking.

March 23, 2015